

Copyrights at Midifiles in countries other than the Netherlands may differ slightly.
These copyrights apply in any case in the Netherlands.

Hello Fellow-Midiots.


You will wonder why there are no Midifiles on Jan's Midipage !!

All this has to do with copyrights on music. 

But Midifiles aren't MP3s, are they? Yep.


MIDI is NOT Audio and therefore does not fall under the same legislation as eg an Audio CD or DVD.

In principle, you may only distribute Midifiles if you have composed and made them yourself. 


If there is something on this page that is not correct or you have an interesting addition or other important Midifile copyright tips ...
(nice scrabble word)


Remember: Be warned when you put Midifiles on your site.

So enjoying Midi files together without commercial intentions via the internet is NOT ALLOWED !!!

(Unless they are your own composed/made Midi files)



I often get the request to email a Midifile.
As much as I want it. IT'S NOT ALLOWED.
It has even happened that I have been checked whether I also keep to the agreements.

So I'll do my best to provide everyone with tips as best as possible.



!!! Free the Midi !!!

Click here if you want to
support the Midi Freedom

logo eff


For those interested among us, here are a few links about copyright (most Dutch):



If you want to know exactly who checks the sites to see if Midifiles are being distributed,
take a look at:

Buma Stemra        or        Stichting Brein